When working with a freight forwarder, there are a number of different container service options that you need to be familiar with to ensure you get the service you expect. To do this, there are 2 terms you should familiarize yourself with: CY and CFS. CY means Container Yard and CFS means Container Freight Station.
When a freight forwarder is giving you a quote, they will typically want to know if you want "door to door" service or if you want the goods to arrive at the destination port only, where you would be responsible to move the goods from the port to your final location.
This is considered "port to door" service. You would use this service if your factory will deliver loose cargo, or cargo in a container that is not the final shipping container to
the port. Your freight forwarder will then pack the goods into the shipping container. At the destination side, your cargo will be delivered in that container to your final location.
Understanding these services will go a long way to ensuring you receive the service you are expecting. Many companies that are new to importing do not always understand their responsibilities at the destination port. In particular, if you're using a CY/CFS or CFS/CFS container service, you need to understand how long you have at the destination port to pickup your cargo before fees begin to accumulate. You also need to make sure you know what it will take to physically take ownership of your cargo to make sure you have the right equipment prepared.